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Random Encounter Story

Posted by Neverwashere 
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 11:44AM
"Another thing to better do with the authorities rather than against them," Sylvie said. She was familiar with the distinction between buccaneers and pirates and should probably have been clearer. With a shrug she added, "That's being optimistic about their sanity and speed of decision, mind."
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 11:50AM
"It isn't like this is the first time people have taken justice to their own hands," Auker said, followed by several nods. One of them was Riya, which only served to make Sebastian even more tense.

"Look, bureaucracy is one thing. It takes time. Casing a place takes time too. A lot more time, and then I'd not be against just the Sabas' guards, I'd be against the authorities, too. The authorities can take care of it quicker and with something you people <em>might</em> know as <em>legal authority</em>," the half-elf pointed out bitterly, grateful that Sylvie had added that last bit. "Please, leave me out of this one?"

"You're already in this," Kord said, helpfully and with a little glee. It earned him a very dirty look from Sebastian.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 12:10PM
"So are you, Kord," Sylvie told him. Add another challenger for Kord's list. She was not going to let him get away with dumping all the risk on the pair of them.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 12:47PM
It worked for a moment, enough to chide Kord into giving ample time for Sebastian to start dissecting the matter. "I gave you what you need. All of you. You take care of it and talk it through with each other, but I'm only going to sit back and watch unless there's something I seriously need to do. And don't even think of telling the authorities I'm involved."

Ramend snorted. "Yes, litigation and a quick execution might be in order if we did," he said in deep thought. Robare was thinking of kneecaps, by the looks of it, staring at Sebastian.

"I know where you live," Sebastian said icily to him. "If you don't mind, I'll get the hell out of this place, get something decent to eat and worry about what Ludovic Saba is going to do." He glanced at Jon, Garren, Auker and Riya. Then back at Jon, softening his tone. "I'd guess you'll know best where to find me."

He nodded, putting on his earlier jovial face.

<em>Some people at least,</em> Sebastian thought, <em>aren't utter assholes.</em>
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 01:08PM
Sylvie gave Garren and Riya a worried look, wondering if drawing them into this had been a good idea, after all.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 01:12PM
It appeared at the very least that Riya didn't seem to mind. She put on a brave smile and tended to the tea and played the part of hostess with her usual efficiency.

"Yeah, sure," Auker said before anyone else could get a word edgewise, glaring at Kord, Robare and Ramend snapping her fingers, daring them to protest. "My house. My rules. Also, my guest. Like you."

In spite of himself, Sebastian gave an amused snort and fetched his cloak, glancing at Sylvie. "Come with?"
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 01:19PM
Ayu-Asra underlined her statements by imitating the sound of fingersnapping.

Sylvie said goodbye to the company. As soon as she and Sebastian were outside with the door closed behind them, she said, "Sorry. That was not the reaction I'd expected."
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 01:25PM
He took in the sunshine and relaxed visibly even before the door closed. "Don't be. I didn't know what to expect to begin with, but I'm fairly sure things'll get moving," he replied, offering his arm before trudging down the alley. He'd forgotten to ask Kord about the artifacts, but wasn't really going to worry about it. Big and crude as the man was, stupid was not an adjective that fit him. Thuggish, though, yes.

"At any rate," he continued, sounding a bit tired, "let them talk it over and come to a conclusion. And let us just relax for a while, right?"
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 01:34PM
She took his arm, naturally.

"Sounds good." After a sigh, her voice turned playful. "I might need some distraction to keep from fretting. Do you think we could find a quiet place more private than the shrine?"
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 01:41PM
Sebastian glanced at the sky again, squinting one eye and putting on half a smile. "Mmm, oh, I don't know... may be I might know a place." After that, he found himself once again amazed that he didn't know how to make a witty retort. Realising this actually made it easier. "Damn it, yes. Let's go."

Obviously, it turned out to be House Crow.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 02:49PM
Food could wait. If they had a break, and a room with a lockable door, they might as well make use of it for some mutual indulgence. Early on Sylvie had the presence of mind to channel some of her excess energy into nudging Sebastian's back towards healing.

At length, yes, they ended up quite relaxed.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 03:03PM
His hair was a mess -- and he suspected there was a certain scent hanging about them, but it didn't stop him from basking in the afterglow and stretching. For at least a while, he was content and indeed very relaxed. Touching the bridge of his nose with an index finger and a middle finger, Sebastian inhaled and exhaled slowly, then examined Sylvie's face. He was still lying down on the bed. His cheek twitched. He looked like he had a question.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 03:06PM
"Mhm?" made Sylvie, cuddled against him. She was smiling, her eyes nearly closed. For once she didn't want to be the person who started to talk about getting back to work.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 03:09PM
"Trying to think of if I'll spoil the mood by asking why a girl like you is in the same bed with me in the first place. Don't mind me," he said quietly, eyes half-open and staring at her for a fleeting moment. Then they turned toward the shadows of the room. Sunlight felt good.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 03:15PM
"Because I want to be," she whispered playfully in his ear, and kissed it. She had a more detailed answer, too, but that might spoil the mood.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 03:19PM
He shivered a little, but it apparently wasn't uncomfortable, the kiss. "That's fair enough. That would be my direct answer, too," Sebastian said, pinching her side just the slightest bit in retaliation.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 03:33PM
She grabbed his hand, her thumb on his palm, and saw to it he didn't start tickling her. If he wanted to play, all right. "Well, if you want a more detailed answer... frankly, I was missing sex." After a beat she relaxed and added, "And I trust you. I believe I'm more to you than some weird and exotic conquest to brag about to your friends." She swallowed and tensed a little. That had just come out all unplanned.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 04:09PM
She managed to hit the scar on his palm, but there was no discomfort. But her expanded answer sent him blinking, then smiling just as it hit properly. Then, just to prove his point, he kissed her cheek and nose. "Where do I begin?" he said huskily. "One." Another peck on her cheek. "I don't brag about conquests." He paused and watched her. "Two, your judgment is right. I trust you and have been... hoping for a time before meeting you here that you might have... feelings."

He kept watching, placing an index finger on her eyebrow and smoothing the hairs there. "Three. Weird and exotic conquest? No. That's demeaning toward yourself. I think you did the conquering." His slightly embarrassed expression and slight flush spoke of something at least. He had to swallow, too, before turning a little and resting his chin on her shoulder. Sebastian managed to open his mouth, but closed it. Wordless.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 05:10PM
By the time he had finished his first point, she smiled relaxedly. Surprise and curiosity snuck into her expression at the second. She closed her eyes when he touched her face. At the end of the third point, her smile widened, satisfied, downright smug for a moment, but quickly turning more low-key again when she saw his expression.

She let go of Sebastian's hand and put hers on his side. "Thank you." It was heartfelt, but did not seem enough. "I... I want to say 'I love you', but I'm not sure what promises you feel attached."
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 05:48PM
There it was again, the sound of a hammer hitting an anvil inside his head. What was it about that, anyway? His pulse had risen when her smile turned smug, and rose more when it went away. "I can only use words. Deeds matter, I'm told, but words... I could come up with some stupidly dramatic show of why I'd want to say those three little words myself, but that'd be insulting." He made a shrugging gesture, closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them into narrow slits.

"I feel attached. I've never, ever told my patrons to go fuck themselves, at least, and I've always had trouble getting out of the habit of walking alone." He reached over, grabbing one of her fingers between thumb and index finger, looking a little morose. "I told you I'd be there for you. And I'm scared because I meant it so badly."
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 06:24PM
"I'm scared of your gods." She looked at him with wide eyes shining with tears, and intertwined her fingers with his. "And I'm scared of being selfish." Crying and trembling with it she went on, "I want you, but I must try to find a way home, and--" she broke off with a sob and curled up a little, tilting her head towards his until they touched. After a moment she whispered hoarsely, "Alone and drifting drives me insane. I don't know how you could stand it so long."
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 06:53PM
It was enough to startle him. Very much so, the tears -- and they were contagious, too. "Look, don't be. I want you too. Badly. And I <em>know</em> how it feels to walk on paths, not knowing where you are, afraid at every turn. <em>I</em> don't know how I'm still sane. I probably aren't, and I just want peace now. And I'd choose being near you. You've helped so, so much." Blinking those pesky bits of salty water away, he leaned over to kiss her, whispering: "I feel alive now. I'll beg, pray, threaten, anything just to -- stay near what keeps me that way."
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 07:22PM
"I will hold on," she whispered back, and kissed him.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 08:15PM
It was, all in all, pleasing. But the uncertainty still wrenched his heart. After the kiss, all he could come up with: "Hold fast, hold tight. I'll run after you if need be."
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 09:27PM
She gave a chuckle and drew back just a little so she could wipe her face. "Thank you. I can't thank you enough." She was coming together again, less twisted up than before.

His patrons not letting him go was a worry, but what could she <em>do</em>?
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 09:34PM
He sniffed but didn't bother wiping his own face, watching her instead. "Silly," he said, gently and with warmth. Then he looked at the bit of sheet that marked the distance between them, hesitating with a timid smile.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 10:04PM
She took the good-natured teasing as just that, and gave it right back. She rolled onto her side so her body was pressed right against Sebastian's and asked, smiling, "Hmmm? What?"
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 10:12PM
"Three little words," he said by way of explanation, pressing tightly against her as well, almost but not quite knocking his forehead against hers, eyes searching hers. They were still a bit moist, and seen from that distance and in that slightly shadowed space, a little brighter. He didn't continue. Just put on a little smile.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 10:24PM
She made another inquisitive noise, honestly confused. Her mind was not working at full speed.
Random Encounter Story
April 16, 2012 10:30PM
Who dares, wins, someone had once told him, and it appeared this was as good a time as any. "You said you wanted to say those, but weren't sure about my promises of attachment," he reminded her gently, pursing his lips thoughtfully. "Started with 'I'. Should I?" <em>Tempt fate? Make a fool out of myself? Mess things up? All valid possibilities, but it would--</em>
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