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Random Encounter Story

Posted by Neverwashere 
Random Encounter Story
April 22, 2012 10:46PM
"They're given one here. And you're giving me... 'most of the time'," Riya hit back quickly, then turned to look at Sebastian in a way that looked a wee bit too much like Gemma. She even sounded like her mother. "Well?"

"I can't answer that," he said quietly, all the whimsical energy suddenly drained from him. "I can't remember."

Riya smiled cunningly. "Suppose I name you--" Sebastian took this as the perfect moment to suddenly appear as blank and shellshocked as he had back in House Crow when Sylvie had confronted him. Nothing registered. "-- Iolan, hm? Maybe Tomarsz?" Riya finished.
Random Encounter Story
April 22, 2012 11:00PM
Sylvie did not register how hard that hit him since she was getting between the two, facing Riya. Her voice was calm, quiet, and a little sad. "Leave him be, please, and call him something he chose. If names mean that much to you, call me Yameh. I haven't used that since I was six, but it's what my mother named me." She stressed her next words. "He can't remember his first name."
Random Encounter Story
April 22, 2012 11:01PM
That, at least, was chastising enough for Riya, whose face had turned a shade toward confusion once she registered that Sebastian was staring blankly over her shoulder. "Uh. Fine... is he alright?"
Random Encounter Story
April 22, 2012 11:08PM
Sylvie turned around. She muttered "apparently not" as she crossed the short distance. "Sebastian?" She reached for his arm and looked for a reaction in his eyes.
Random Encounter Story
April 22, 2012 11:11PM
"Is that normal?" Riya chattered on, looking a little nervous. It was spooky, especially since Sebastian didn't react even to touch. He didn't even blink, and his lips were parted a bit. She looked at Sylvie now, looking more than a little concerned. "Really, is that normal?"
Random Encounter Story
April 22, 2012 11:19PM
"I hope not." A catty comment billowed up but didn't even reach the top of her mind before it went under. "Sebastian?" she repeated louder. She put her free hand on the side of his head, wondering if she should try tweaking his ear, or reaching out with her magic senses in an attempt find some reason for this. But her magic dealt with body, not mind...
Random Encounter Story
April 22, 2012 11:24PM
Finally, something. The touch on his head caused some sort of recoil in Sebastian, who seemed to twitch backward a step. <em>Oh dear Ladies, had it been anyone else, they might be on the ground with a few broken bones.</em> Sebastian blinked a few times, eyes fleeting from woman to girl to woman. Riya, all pursed lips and owlish eyes, looked around. Sylvie... yes, Sylvie. He stepped back toward her, befuddled but sensible enough to ignore the girl. Hoarsely: "Sorry. Did I...?"
Random Encounter Story
April 22, 2012 11:27PM
"You went blank. Sebastian, what is that?" Sylvie took his hands lightly, eyes never leaving his face, worried and confused.
Random Encounter Story
April 22, 2012 11:36PM
Riya was about to say something, but glanced at the door instead. This was getting a little too freaky.

"Again?" Sebastian said, trying to put on a face of confidence -- but then overriding it. No. He was talking to Sylvie, and thus put on his face an expression equivalent of what he felt like. A glance at Riya suggested to him that this ought to be as concise as possible. "Reverie," he said. "Memories, maybe, worrying... I don't know. But this is... a bit awkward, right now?"

"...that's for sure," Riya said, pale and nervous.
Random Encounter Story
April 22, 2012 11:40PM
"If you don't know..." Sylvie shook her head and turned to Riya. "We just wanted to pick up the books I'd borrowed from Montmore, and take them back. How's Gemma?"
Random Encounter Story
April 22, 2012 11:44PM
He shook his head to show that he wasn't certain, but even so the half-elf didn't let go of her hands. But as for Riya... "Well, tell you the truth, mother's gone all militia. She's got people watching over this house, some old friend or such from the army, and she's still fucking pissed off about..." the girl squinted at him "...Sebastian here being a liar, to put it mildly."

"Well, I am one," he admitted.

"Right. Anyway, best I go get the books." Pause. "Want the rest of your stuff, er... Yameh?" (At that point Sebastian looked a little confused.) "Just because I'm not sure if mother is going to be all that calm for a while." She added that bit a little apologetically.
Random Encounter Story
April 22, 2012 11:56PM
"The name is your call," she said, smile fading while she considered that offer. She had been feeling like she was imposing, so, "Yes, everything. It's packed. I hope I'll have time to drop by later and say goodbyes and thankyous, but I'm not sure..."
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 12:00AM
"Dad'd be miserable if you didn't. Me, too. For what it's worth," and this is where she looked at both of them, "thanks for the advice. I might follow it. I never wanted to be stuck running this shop, anyway, and with Mael and Loga... well, better for them."

Sebastian was still trying to figure out this 'Yameh' thing. For once, his mind wasn't on overdrive. He settled for nodding.

"Right," said Riya, eyeing the half-elf. "Be right back." With that, she went on, inside and disappeared.

"You're Yameh?" Sebastian asked after a moment of silence. "No. Sorry."
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 12:07AM
"Yes. Well, was, maybe. My mother named me Yameh, but someone else nicknamed me Sylvie because I was curious about the wood. It stuck. It's not so unusual where I'm from." There was a larger story attached, but this really wasn't the time or place. She watched Sebastian. "This... reverie of yours is disturbing." Probably wasn't the time or place for that, either, but it burned on her mind. It looked like the state made him an easy target for an attack, for one.
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 12:14AM
"Well, I prefer Sylvie, if you don't mind. I'm not sure I understand the connection to the woods, but you'll have to tell me later." Then a moment of contemplation. "You know, it is disturbing. It has happened to me before I met you, but never twice during... well, yes. That first time? I was worried you'd..."

How hard could it be to say? Very hard. Soldiering through what might have been another fit, Sebastian managed: "I was afraid you hate me and leave me. And just now, I'm not sure what happened. I don't <em>know</em> my name, and I <em>think</em> I don't care about that. I'm called what I am, but it still stings sometimes. It's like not knowing who you are." He turned a little, finding a little pebble in the mud to kick off into the distance. It hit the gate. "But I have an inkling as to who I am -- it's not complete, but I'm getting there, I hope. I know where I am, and where I want to be."

He pondered a moment. "I wonder. What would you name me, in your language?"
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 09:33AM
"Me, too" was what she had to say to her name. She listened intently to his explanation, watching his face. There were things she wanted to say, but Riya could be back any moment.

The question took her by surprise. "Um. I'd have to think about that." Anything that came to her mind - lost, confusion, my love - did not work well as a name. "I do rather like Sebastian."
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 10:43AM
"Hah, sibillants all the way. I'm partial to it myself. It's just that sometimes it feels like it has a life of its own, that name," he said drily, "concepts being what they are. Say 'cheese cake' and invariably <em>someone's</em> mouth will start to water."
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 11:03AM
"Ah? And what does it do on its own?" She suspected it might be too connected with his acts.
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 11:03AM
"My name you mean?"
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 11:04AM
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 11:06AM
"I can never be too sure, even once people make connections. You've seen how--"

And at that point, Riya emerged, squinting a little in the glare of the sun. She walked up to Sylvie and, before handing over the personal effects, bit her lip and gave Sylvie a shy hug.

Sebastian looked away.
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 11:13AM
Sylvie returned the gesture.

"Thank you. For everything. And please pass that on to the rest of the family."
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 12:02PM
She frowned a little, avoiding even the temptation to glance at the man. "I will. Good luck," was all Riya had left to say as she handed over Sylvie's belongings. That said, she turned back toward the door in a mood she couldn't quite well narrow down into one specific emotion.

Sebastian had taken a few slow steps toward the gate already, contemplating similar things about emotions as Riya.
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 12:13PM
Sylvie got her backpack into a comfortable position and followed Sebastian. She would have preferred parting now on better terms, and hoped there could be a proper goodbye later, but something about things moving lifted her spirit. Walking next to Sebastian, she gave him a smile and waited if he wanted to pick up the thread again.
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 12:40PM
He trudged along for a while, hands in his pockets and satchel beating rhythmically against his hip. By sheer force of will he forced himself into finding something good about the world around him -- Sylvie of course, but the surroundings as well. Sebastian managed to smile back at her and gravitated closer to her, eyes narrowed in thought. "I'm sorry about that lapse," he finally said.
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 12:48PM
"All right. You're not doing it on purpose, after all. It seems dangerous." Quite apart from unnerving.
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 12:52PM
The best way to answer that was with a shrug. "I don't honestly know. Why and how. Or. Maybe." He sniffed out, shaking his head and quite without even noticing, dodged a puddle.
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 12:53PM
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 01:06PM
He pressed the base of his palm against his forehead, walking on in silence for a while. "I'll figure it out sooner or later, I suppose. What does it take to get me off one of those spells?"
Random Encounter Story
April 23, 2012 01:12PM
Sylvie gave him a startled look. She had thought he would know that better. "Just now, grabbing your arm and saying your name didn't, so I repeated it more loudly and touched your face. The first time, I took the cup from your hands and said your name." More quietly she added, "Sebastian, that is."
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