Random Encounter OOC
March 13, 2007 10:59AM
Ya, needs questions like that occasionally.
Random Encounter OOC
March 13, 2007 11:17AM
Don't worry, you'll get your own back soon. When you get to give me lots of useful "this bit only made sense in your brain!" feedback.
Random Encounter OOC
March 13, 2007 11:35AM
Random Encounter OOC
March 27, 2007 09:30AM
"Glass = magical artifact = evil1!1"

*Mutt is a dork-lord and far too obsessed with another project; we cn only apologise...* :>
Random Encounter OOC
August 28, 2007 09:08AM
Is the first speaker Auker? 'Cause, so not clear.
Random Encounter OOC
August 28, 2007 11:59AM
Then that's sort of bad.
Random Encounter OOC
August 28, 2007 12:31PM
It's the lack of transition - I was expecting it to continue from the previous post's dialogue, which was Sebastian and Martha.
Random Encounter OOC
August 30, 2007 06:30PM
I guess I thought having finished the last scene over a month ago made it clear enough. My bad. XD
Random Encounter OOC
August 30, 2007 06:38PM
Yeah, which meant I had to go back and skim the last ones to remind myself what was going on. ;P
Random Encounter OOC
January 02, 2008 03:39PM
In thunder, lightning or in...

...I'll get my raincoat.
Random Encounter OOC
October 03, 2008 04:04PM
This post is very amusing. Please don't tell me about the payment, I don't want to know...
Random Encounter OOC
October 04, 2008 09:20PM
Snog, did you want the dragon to be up to some trouble, or was that just something random?
Random Encounter OOC
October 05, 2008 12:07AM
Random, really.
Random Encounter OOC
October 29, 2008 05:55PM
Vortices! Prime suspect #1 teh winnar!
Random Encounter OOC
October 29, 2008 05:59PM
Also, observation techniques and alarm spells - unhappy sneaky bastard
Random Encounter OOC
October 29, 2008 06:15PM
Why make stuff too easy for the grumpy git? :>
Random Encounter OOC
March 04, 2012 08:18PM
With the noise I had in mind the dragon being unhappy about having to make room for a teakettle, but if you want to go with something else, feel free.
Random Encounter OOC
March 15, 2012 11:25PM
Sebs: Weft. Don't. Start. Making. Clothes.
Random Encounter OOC
March 16, 2012 01:45PM
Weft: *in a tiny voice spiked with guilt* Yes sir.
Random Encounter OOC
March 16, 2012 02:33PM
Sebs: I'm not 'sir.' I'm 'friend.' ... Show me.
Random Encounter OOC
March 16, 2012 03:48PM
Weft: *relaxes imperceptibly from parade-courtyard rest and shows hands, front and back* No needles, skeins, thread, yarn or fabric of any kind!

*mentally excludes concealed garottes from this classification with an ease born of long practice*
Random Encounter OOC
March 16, 2012 04:30PM
Good. Thank you, Weft. *pats him on the shoulder*
Random Encounter OOC
March 16, 2012 06:41PM
Weft: *seems relieved to have passed inspection... but not annoyed, or even surprised, to have been subjected to it*

I can find you some product that might help with the tangles. I can't promise it'd work on non-Instarrian hair, of course... most of us can't even grow a good shoulder-length crop, let alone down to... *waves a hand*

(*would probably be more than happy to groom Sebastian's whole oversized mop for nothing, you realise*)
Random Encounter OOC
March 16, 2012 07:45PM
Sebs: *is quiet for a long time.* Thank you. You do know you're the only murderous lunatic I'd let near me with scissors?
Random Encounter OOC
March 19, 2012 03:26PM
I know this is late, but: awwww (@ the above post)
Random Encounter OOC
March 20, 2012 11:28AM
A minor assumption here, but I will note that at the thought of being introduced to the local clergy of Lady Land, Brice went white as a sheet. X)
Random Encounter OOC
March 20, 2012 07:09PM
Weft: *turns bright red and starts grooming his own hair with alacrity. Displacement activity FTW* Th... thank you.
Random Encounter OOC
March 21, 2012 01:55PM
You know, when he told the story to Sebastian, the sunflower was a servant of Lady Land, not the goddess herself?
Random Encounter OOC
March 21, 2012 08:04PM
Er, dogmatic confusion. Yes. Yes, not an error on my part, not at all.
Random Encounter OOC
March 21, 2012 10:30PM
One thing I'd like to make sure: Sylvie's not in that room, but next door. She was too much trouble and the men needed some quiet. ;)
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